Kelp seaweed 20g, dried sliced for soup, salad, vegan vegetarian diet iodine
Kelp seaweed kombu 20gram, dried and finely sliced for soup, salad, smoothie. Seaweeds are naturally organic grown in the clean seawater. Simply soak kelp seaweed in the cold water for a few minutes and drain, and then add to your salad or smoothie, or soup.
Below are a variety of ways that seaweed positively impacts health.
• Seaweed is low in calories and fat, which of course makes it an attractive food for healthy eating and losing excess weight. For example, the seaweed wakame has a pigmentation known as fucoxanthin, which burns fat and aids in insulin resistance.
• The magnesium in seaweed flushes excess fluid, as it is a natural diuretic which also reduces bloating.
• Seaweed helps to maintain healthy blood pressure levels through its high potassium content and controls cholesterol levels through taurine.
• It can also combat depression and fatigue through its high vitamin B1 content while aiding in cognitive functioning through the vitamin B12 it offers.
• Seaweed contains essential fatty acids as well as multiple vitamins and it is particularly high in vitamins B12, C, D, E and K. Seaweed also contains many minerals, including potassium, selenium, calcium, iodine, nickel, bromine, chromium, copper, zinc, nitrogen, boron, sulfur, soluble fiber and more.

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